Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sevilla - Spain

El Toro painting from the billboard of events at the main bull ring.

Moorish influenced zellij tilework in the foyer of our hotel.

Torre de Oro standing on the bank of the Guadilquivar River.

The end of Europe and off to Africa !

Barcelona - Spain

Jane stepping off the overnight train from Paris.

Antoni Gaudi architecture - his buildings still under construction decades after his death.

Street singer in the old Gothic District.

Modern art sculpture at the Port of Barcelona - interpretting waves of the sea.

Vast fresh fruit market off La Ramblas street.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Paris - France

Le Tour Eiffel.

Guilded adornments on the Paris Opera House.

French pastries - who can resist just one or perhaps two?

Congestion on Avenue des Champs Elysees - appraoching the Arc d'Triomphe.

Les Deux Magots cafe on Rue de St. Germain du Pres near our hotel.

Lady Diana tribute - the anniversary of her death in Paris - so much left undone.


Julie - our ever smiling freind - at Camping les Verguettes in Villes sur Auzon.

Jane "scrambling" up the side of a mountain on one of our hikes - a tribute to our Hike-O-Holic friends back in Vancouver.

The central fountain in Aix en Provence provided a focal point of our day in the city.

Our last night of camping was beside a small stream outside Fountaineblue - 100 km south of Paris - buildings dating back to 1180 A.D.

After 2 months on the road camping with the Volvo, we condensed our luggage down to carry-on only for the next leg of our trip.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Provence - France

Lavander fields rolled on forever.

Vineyards in Provence produce most sumptuous wines !

Hiking in an ochre canyon - away from the heat of the day.

Bocci in the afternoon shade.

We considered trading up to a Citroen.