Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sri Lanka

Weddings in Sri lanka are an expensive all day celebration where traditional fashion and culture prevail.
A symphony of local fruits dangle you into submission.

Local cusine - it just read "rice and curry" on the menu and 8 dishes arrived including basmati rice, prawns in curry, spinach with coconut, pineapple in curry, dal, potatoes with chives and garlic, something with hot chilis and of course a Lion Lager or two to wash it all down !!

2011 World Cricket Championships will be held next month in Sri Lanka.

For a dollar or so take the train south or inland from Colombo. I suggest 3rd class to maximize immersion in local culture.
Cinnamon sand and warm turquoise waters provide some of the world's greatest beaches .....

..... however in some areas such as Hikkaduwa and Ulawatuna, nature is slow to recover from the 2004 tsunami disaster that claimed 50,000 lives.

Japan erected this memorial to the Sri Lankan people lost in the tsunami. Jane standing at the base provides scale.
Sri Lankan faith is strong - people always bow with hands clasped and ask how they can help us, when we should be helping them.

The sun goes down on another day - here as it does on all of us.

The next generation looks forward.

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